mn family mediators

Solveig Erickson, MSW, Mediator & Trainer

SOLVEIG has worked at Erickson Mediation Institute since 1994 and continues to enjoy the day-to-day adventures of helping people in conflict. She currently mediates cases and works on business development, marketing, management, accounting and client services. She received her master’s degree in social work from Augsburg College and for her thesis, conducted a qualitative program evaluation of the divorce education program provided at the time by EMI. She co-authored the article “Mandatory Divorce Education Classes: What do the Parents Say,” published in the William Mitchell Law Review and has taught as adjunct professor at William Mitchell College of Law and currently teaches the weekly divorce education classes for EMI. She is a mom to a wonderful high schooler and a fabulous young adult. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, glass fusing, gardening, and all kinds of paper crafts.