mn family mediators

Rosemary Majerus, Client Services

Rosemary has been the Client Services Specialist with Erickson Mediation Institute since 2008. She received an AA Degree from Minneapolis Community College and a Legal Secretary Diploma from Minnesota School of Business and went on to work for almost a decade with mental health patients in a hospital setting. Much like her previous job, she is on the front lines here at EMI responding to calls from people who are confused, emotional, and sometimes scared. She is the keeper of schedules, events, client files and about 100 other things—and loves it! Her kind heart, understanding voice, and welcoming presence are essential to our office. She can truly relate to the people inquiring about our services. Having created a multi-faceted blended family, Rosemary’s gentle touch and deep understanding of the mediation process combine to produce first-impression client interactions that are second to none. In her spare time, (what spare time?!) she enjoys scrapbooking, designing custom jewelry, cheering on her kids at football, volleyball and softball games, camping, and most of all, fishing.