The Upcoming 40 Hour Training set for March 25 - 29, 2020 has been postponed.

Check back in April for NEW DATES!

mn divorce mediation training

Join us for an intense week-long training to become a divorce mediator featuring lecture, interactive exercises, role-playing and other experiential exercises along with question and answer periods each day.  Role-plays are both “fish bowl” in which trainers demonstrate mediation, and “small group” in which participants apply what they are learning in role-play cases based on actual cases mediated by EMI.

Erickson Mediation is currently offering our 40 Hour Client-Centered Divorce Mediation training to groups of 5 or more for a package rate. Please contact us if you have a group that is interested in taking the 40 Hour training or if you would like more information.

Once a group has scheduled, there may be availability for individuals to register and join the training. Please contact us to join our training email list to be notified as these and other opportunities become available.

Our Expert Trainers


Marilyn McKnight, MA

Marilyn is a mediator, trainer, and author who has practiced exclusively in the field of mediation since 1977 after an extensive career in public social work. She received the Bush Leadership Fellowship Award for the study of mediation in 1987 and is a leader in promoting the Client-Centered model of mediation. Marilyn is a former member of the ADR Section of the Minnesota Bar Association and has taught courses as an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota School of Social Work, at William Mitchell College of Law, and in the Master of Arts in Leadership program at Augsburg College. I


Stephen Erickson, JD

Stephen is a licensed attorney who works exclusively as a mediator. Since 1977, he has mediated over 5,000 disputes in his private practice and trained thousands of new mediators in the US, Canada, England and the Netherlands. He received the Bush Leadership Fellowship Award for the study of mediation in 1979 and is a founder and second president of the Academy of Family Mediators. He is well known as a mediation trainer and speaker, and has published numerous articles and books on the subject.


What You’ll Learn

•The most up-to-date thinking and strategies to use in the mediation room

•Case examples that are pertinent to today’s issues in divorce

•Practical techniques, skills and interventions necessary to assist clients in reaching successful resolution of their disputes

•Overview of the divorce process

•Emotional divorce process

•Areas of major decision making in divorce

•Conflict resolution theory

•Importance of remaining neutral

•Major mediator interventions

•Strategies to avoid impasse

•Constructive/Creative problem-solving

Click here for full training outline



Cost: $1,700 for Individuals (Group Rates Available for Groups of 5 or More).

Location: Unless otherwise indicated, the training will be held at our Bloomington, Minnesota location in the conference center.

Client-Centered Training: Our training teaches a client-centered model of mediation, which is used extensively throughout the mediation field by professional mediators who facilitate a process of resolving conflict and decision-making, based on clients’ creativity and their own sense of fairness. This process also promotes and encourages the clients to make their own decisions by becoming fully informed about every question, concern or fear raised in mediation. In addition to receiving instruction through lecture on mediation theory, process, strategies, interventions and more, each day, participants can also expect a mixture of interactive exercises, and fishbowl and small group role-plays that demonstrate mediator skills and provide participants with real life case examples.

Who Should Attend? Mental health professionals, judges, attorneys, human resource professionals, clergy, family court administrators, financial advisors, and/or paralegals as well as anyone involved in or interested in helping people resolve conflict and anyone interested in improving their skills working with families

You Will Receive Expert Instruction: In 1980, Steve Erickson conducted the first 40-Hour Divorce Mediation Training in the Country. Steve Erickson and Marilyn McKnight have since trained thousands of professionals including judges, pastors and mental health professionals throughout the US, Canada, England, the Netherlands and Singapore.

When you attend training through Erickson Mediation Institute, you are getting the most current and up to date knowledge and information about mediation, the practice of mediation, and how to develop your skills and start your own practice. This is because, not only were Steve and Marilyn integral in the development of the mediation curriculum that is used today, they have expansive knowledge and expertise in the field of mediation and continue to practice and develop their own skills – which gets passed on to training participants. In addition, they continue to take an active role in the development of the Profession of Mediation through participation in national professional organizations and advocacy and development of the profession both locally and nationally.

Schedule: Contact us to schedule and register a training for groups of 5 or more or to joint our email list to be notified as opportunities for individual registration become available.


hat’s Included

Credits and Qualifications Available: Participants can receive 40 MN Continuing Education Credits (including ethics credits), will qualify for application to the MN Rule 114 Roster of Neutrals, and will be qualified to apply as a “New Mediator” in the Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM).

You Will Receive a Comprehensive Training Manual: All participants receive a comprehensive full-text manual, which will act as your reference tool in the future and contains most of the lecture notes, case examples and forms necessary to begin a mediation practice.

Beverages, Snacks and Friday Lunch: Each day participants will be provided with coffee, tea, and water in the morning and snacks during the afternoon. In addition, lunch will be provided on Friday.